Hello into the bright summer months (hopefully:/)
... We've been gearing up for a few new projects here... I’ve been working on live duo sessions with some of my favorite players in the hopes of releasing something in the coming months. It’s been great to get back to my deep instrumental roots and explore total unknown territory with some trustworthy compatriots! And as always, we’ve been mixing and producing here in the Bean Pot Lab! Everything from budding young songwriters, to producing singles with some of my friends. More to come... Very unfortunately the DIKSON live shoot was put on hold due to everyone’s busy touring schedule. We’re hoping to reschedule that as soon as possible. Best and be well!
Happy New Year! Some exciting projects for 2022!… We are starting pre-production on a live performance film featuring the DIKSON band! Shooting should start in the coming months! I am also hopeful to release my sleep sessions ambient EP this year! I have always believed that different kinds of music have different kinds of purposes in our soul. Although I’ve been a jazz musician and improviser as the core of my artistic life, I do have a very deep space in me listening to ambient music and drones. I feel the minimalism in that style of music can access us in ways that other music cannot. All music is a form of therapy, but I think ambient music cuts right to the chase of creating a vessel and a space in us that can be explored, expressed and used for healing.